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Storage of your piano...

In our blog post How do I store a piano? we describe important points regarding piano storage. We have decades of experience in handling and storing high-quality pianos. We offer this service to all piano lovers who want their instrument to be stored in professional hands in a safe place among other valuable pianos. For us, this includes transparent order clarification, professional collection, documented storage and removal, regular service during storage and careful return transportation including initial service. Every instrument and every instrument owner can make individual requests.

If you would like a quote for storage, you can click on one of the offers to access our Instruments details to reach us. We will contact you as soon as we receive the information about your instrument with a concrete offer.

Different instruments - individual offers! 

You can choose between different types of storage, from the inexpensive storage of upright and grand pianos in need of renovation to the ready-to-play installation of high-quality instruments - with the option of additional services so that your instrument also receives first-class care during storage. All instruments are stored in secure, locked, climate-controlled and vermin-proof rooms.

Our 4 offers for piano storage

Store the piano!

Store a piano that plays well in such a way that it retains its quality - safe, well air-conditioned, checked in and out, regularly inspected.

From 49.95 euros per month plus transportation and storage/retrieval.

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Store a grand piano!

Store a well playable grand piano (on feet) in such a way that it retains its quality - safe, well air-conditioned, checked in and out, regularly inspected.

From 89.95 euros per month plus transportation and storage/retrieval.

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Book additional service!

Interior cleaning, regular tuning (agility), tuning and servicing of the instrument (photo-documented). Optional own visits.

Starting at 29.95 Euros

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Store an unrenovated Piano!

Ein aktuell nicht spielbares Klavier sicher einlagern und erhalten für eine spätere Renovierung oder den Verkauf.

Starting at 29.95 euros per month plus transportation and storage/retrieval.

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We offer your instrument a safe place to stay until you have space and time for it again. So you can rest assured that your piano is in good hands during breaks in use, relocations, house renovations, longer stays abroad, inheritance declarations, space requirements due to a small child, creative breaks in playing, etc., and that it will not be damaged during storage.

This is how your piano gets back and forth.

To ensure that your piano is not damaged on the way to storage, during storage or on return, we work exclusively with piano transportation professionals who carry out insured and well-documented transports on your behalf or on our behalf.

Storage does not mean without service.

A piano wants and needs to be played - it also needs regular tuning and a small service every 12-24 months to maintain its value and function. We therefore offer the option of regular tuning, cleaning and servicing for pianos in storage. Valuable grand pianos in particular should be treated in the same way, i.e. they should remain set up and ready to play - no tipping over the lyre during transportation, no permanent upright storage, no permanent covering, no long-term non-use etc.. We offer this special service as an option.

In storage - your piano is looking forward to your visit!

A stored instrument can of course be visited and played by arrangement. This maintains the relationship and joy.

Deliver it yourself - no problem!

Instruments can be delivered by arrangement - or we offer professional transportation by specialist companies on our behalf. The instruments are checked for condition with photographic documentation on acceptance for storage and removal. Instruments with pest infestation cannot be stored untreated. On request and for an additional charge, we offer professional treatment by specialist companies to ensure the restoration and protection of the instruments.

We're looking for something longer-term.

In principle, we realize longer-term storage (from 6 months) for high-quality instruments. In individual cases, we can also agree shorter storage periods for an additional charge. The monthly costs depend on the type of storage and the type and size of instrument. Transportation, storage/retrieval and service are charged separately. As specialists for upright and grand pianos, we are also able to handle these instruments very well.

If you are considering parting with your instrument permanently, we also offer the following services for certain instruments by arrangement Piano Purchase sowie Recycling to. If you would like to use the time of your instrument's absence for a renovation, please contact us for a quote. Offer restoration please

Simply let us know your storage requirements using our Instruments details form

In our blog post How do I store a piano? beschreiben wir wichtige Punkte in Sachen Piano Einlagerung. Wir haben jahrzehntelange Erfahrung im Umgang mit hochwertigen Pianos und deren Einlagerung. Diesen Service bieten wir allen Pianoliebhabern an, die ihr Instrument in professionellen Händen an einem sicheren Ort unter weiteren wertvollen Pianos gut untergebracht wissen wollen. Dazu gehört für uns eine transparente Auftragsklärung, professionelle Abholung, dokumentierte Ein- und Auslagerung, regelmäßiger Service während der Einlagerung und sorgsamer Rücktransport inkl. Erstservice. Jedes Instrument und jeder Instrumentenbesitzer kann dabei ganz individuelle Wünsche einbringen.

If you would like a quote for storage, you can click on one of the offers to access our Instruments details to reach us. We will contact you as soon as we receive the information about your instrument with a concrete offer.

Unterschiedliche Instrumente – individuelle Angebote!

Sie können zwischen unterschiedlichen Einlagerungsarten auswählen, von der preiswerten Lagerung von renovierungsbedürftigen Klavieren und Flügel (hochkant) bis zur spielbereiten Aufstellung von hochwertigen Instrumenten – mit der Option auf Zusatzservices, so dass ihr Instrument auch während der Einlagerung erstklassige Pflege erhält. Alle Instrumente stehen grundsätzlich in gesicherten und abgeschlossen sowie klimakontrollierten und ungeziefergeschützten Räumen.

Wir bieten ihrem Instrument eine sichere Bleibe bis Sie wieder Platz und Zeit dafür haben. So können Sie bei Nutzungspausen, Umzügen, Haus-Renovierungen, längeren Auslandsaufenthalten, Erbschaftsklärungen, Kleinkind bedingten Platznöten, kreativen Spielpausen, u.s.w. ihr Piano in guten Händen wissen und sicher sein, dass es während der Einlagerung keinen Schaden nimmt.

This is how your piano gets back and forth.

To ensure that your piano is not damaged on the way to storage, during storage or on return, we work exclusively with piano transportation professionals who carry out insured and well-documented transports on your behalf or on our behalf.

Storage does not mean without service.

Ein Piano will und muss gespielt werden – ebenso braucht es regelmäßig alle 12-24 Monate eine Stimmung und den kleinen Service, um Wert und Funktion zu erhalten. Wir bieten daher als Option das regelmäßige anspielen, reinigen und den Service für die eingelagerten Pianos an. Vor allem wertvolle Flügel sollten auch so behandelt werden, d.h. sie sollten aufgestellt und spielbereit bleiben – beim Transport kein Abkippen über die Lyra, keine dauerhafte Lagerung hochkant, kein dauerhaftes Abdecken, keine längerfristige Nicht-Nutzung etc.. Diesen besonderen Service bieten wir als Option.

Eingelagert – ihr Piano freut sich auf Ihren Besuch!

A stored instrument can of course be visited and played by arrangement. This maintains the relationship and joy.

Selbst anliefern – kein Problem!

Instrumente können in Absprache selbst angeliefert werden – oder wir bieten den professionellen Transport durch Fachfirmen in unserem Auftrag mit an. Die Instrumente werden bei Übernahme zur Einlagerung und Auslagerung jeweils mit Foto-Dokumentation zustandsgeprüft. Instrumente mit Schädlingsbefall können unbehandelt nicht eingelagert werden. Wir bieten hier auf Wunsch und gegen Aufpreis die professionelle Behandlung durch Fachfirmen an, um die Wiederherstellung und den Schutz der Instrumente zu gewährleisten.

We're looking for something longer-term.

In principle, we realize longer-term storage (from 6 months) for high-quality instruments. In individual cases, we can also agree shorter storage periods for an additional charge. The monthly costs depend on the type of storage and the type and size of instrument. Transportation, storage/retrieval and service are charged separately. As specialists for upright and grand pianos, we are also able to handle these instruments very well.

If you are considering parting with your instrument permanently, we also offer the following services for certain instruments by arrangement Piano Purchase sowie Recycling to. If you would like to use the time of your instrument's absence for a renovation, please contact us for a quote. Offer restoration please

Teilen Sie uns Ihre Anliegen in Sachen Einlagerung einfach in unserem FASZINATIONPIANOLA Instruments details form