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Piano Details...

If you love your piano, you want to know more about it and its history. We offer you a special service for this. 

We have serial number information for most piano manufacturers and can determine the age of the piano and many other details. This also applies to instruments from Welte, Hupfeld, etc..

Based on our decades of experience, the huge archive of original documents, research already carried out in state archives and collections, meters of specialist literature and the network of experts, museums and universities all over the world, we offer you individual research for a fee. If you are primarily interested in an evaluation of the piano and less in the historical details, please read our offer for Piano Evaluation

In the heyday of piano making, the so-called golden era, there were thousands of piano manufacturers. After more than 150 years and several wars, information about these piano manufacturers and their instruments is now only scattered and scattered.

For certain manufacturers (e.g. Steinway & Sons, Ibach, Bechstein etc.) we can also request archive information from the manufacturers on your behalf. This will incur additional costs, which we will list in the quotation.

Please fill out our FASZINATIONPIANOLA instrument form to receive a quote for individual research on your instrument. Instruments details aus.

Our offer for the piano details

Learn more about my piano...

(129.95 Euros)

We research the piano and manufacturer, e.g. year of manufacture, model, price, description, images, advertisements, etc. and provide an assessment/evaluation. Optional: manufacturer archive information.

Inquire now

Order a Feurich certificate...

(49,95 Euros)

We look for details in the original documents on your Feurich piano, such as the date of delivery, design, price, etc. - and to which address it had been delivered, such as Welte, Hupfeld, Popper, Gebr. Weber, etc. - to create a certificate.

Inquire now
  1. Piano Details
    Based on the information you provide, we search our archives for details and create a detailed document for your instrument.
  2. Feurich Certificate
    The main supplier for built-in pianos (Pianola) from various manufacturers such as Welte, Popper, Hupfeld, Gebr. Weber, Heilbrunn, Stems, etc. was Feurich in Leipzig. We research original documents and create a certificate. This can also serve as an attachment for the application for an EU certificate for ivory on the buttons if no other manufacturer information is available.

In both cases, we first check whether we have any information about your instrument. Then we will contact you with an offer, or a friendly refusal if we do not have sufficient sources. In the case of an order, we will provide you with a written summary (pdf, at least 3 pages) by email within ten working days of receipt of payment, which - depending on the source - contains the following points:

  1. Year of manufacture, model designation, classification of the piano in the manufacturer's range
  2. Original price list information
  3. Information and images of the manufacturer and its products
  4. Optional: Archive information from the manufacturer
  5. Assessment of the frequency / rarity of your instrument
  6. Time-value assessment of the instrument
  7. Optional: Copies of original catalogs, brochures, advertisements
  8. References

If you are interested, we will be happy to send you a sample document with our offer so that you can get an impression of the depth and quality of our service.

Please understand that we do not provide information about your instrument or market prices etc. free of charge.

If you love your piano, you want to know more about it and its history. We offer you a special service for this.

Kostenlos können Sie die Altersbestimmung für über 80 Hersteller mit unserer Piano Age determination versuchen. Auch für hier nicht aufgeführte Hersteller haben wir Seriennummerninformationen bzw. können wir das Alter des Pianos und viele weitere Details ermitteln. Dies gilt auch für Instrumente wie Welte, Hupfeld, etc..

Based on our decades of experience, the huge archive of original documents, research already carried out in state archives and collections, meters of specialist literature and the network of experts, museums and universities all over the world, we offer you individual research for a fee. If you are primarily interested in an evaluation of the piano and less in the historical details, please read our offer for Piano Evaluation.

In the heyday of piano making, the so-called golden era, there were thousands of piano manufacturers. After more than 150 years and several wars, information about these piano manufacturers and their instruments is now only scattered and scattered.

For certain manufacturers (e.g. Steinway & Sons, Ibach, Bechstein etc.) we can also request archive information from the manufacturers on your behalf. This will incur additional costs, which we will list in the quotation.

Please fill out our FASZINATIONPIANOLA instrument form to receive a quote for individual research on your instrument. Instruments details aus.

Based on the information you provide, we will contact you with an offer, or a friendly rejection if we do not have sufficient sources available.

In the case of an order, we will send you a written summary (pdf, at least 3 pages) by email within ten working days of receipt of payment, which - depending on the source - contains the following points:

    1. Year of manufacture, model designation, classification of the piano in the manufacturer's range
    2. Original price list information
    3. Information and images of the manufacturer and its products
    4. Optional: Archive information from the manufacturer
    5. Assessment of the frequency / rarity of your instrument
    6. Time-value assessment of the instrument
    7. Optional: Copies of original catalogs, brochures, advertisements
    8. References


If you are interested, we will be happy to send you a sample document with our offer so that you can get an impression of the depth and quality of our service.

Please understand that we do not provide information about your instrument or market prices etc. free of charge.